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How best can an individual attain incredible orgasms? What are some toys that an individual can use to attain incredible orgasms? This article explains some fantastic homemade sex toys that can bring about an incredible orgasm. 

Economists would prefer to use homemade sex toys rather than buying from a sex toy company. Sometimes you might not have enough money to spend on sex toys, while some individuals are shy to purchase sex toys publicly. Some have sex toys, but they find them broken or cannot function when they want to use them. They find them broken or cannot function. Some stay with their parents, and keeping a sex toy in their room will be risky. Look around your house; you got ideas to make one urgently. Find how to make a homemade sex toy for a wonderful orgasm for men and women.


Wooden Spoons 

An individual can use them to spank your partner. Though, when you spank your partner, and the place you have spanked has a low blood floor, the spoon will leave marks on your partner's body. Dark (2018) stated that one should start by spanking their partner's butt with their hands to increase the blood floor and then use the wooden spoon to spank them.

Metallic Spoons 

Metallic spoons are smooth with no sharp edge. It is easier to change a spoons temperature according to how you store it. Vaishnav et al. (2020) explained that one could use the spoon in their clitoris in a circular motion to get an orgasm. After use, ensure you wash it with clean water and detergent to keep it safe for next time. Place the spoon in the drawer in your bedroom to not mix it with other spoons used for food.

Hair Brush

An individual can use a hairbrush in two different ways; in the vagina and the anus. Take the handle of a hairbrush that is not sharp at the end and insert it into a condom. To avoid friction, use lube to lubricate it. Slide in your vagina for self-stimulation or use it in your anus. If you have a partner and get intimate, you can use it in your partner's anus as you enjoy fingering her.

Prefer using a plastic or rubber hairbrush to a wooden hairbrush. When getting intimate, there is a time you go slow and a time you go faster. In that process, a wooden hairbrush may break while inside your vagina or anus or even tear the delicate tissues. 

Ice Dildo

A homemade ice cube is easier to make. Take a condom and fill it with water or juice for a sweet smell while using. Tie at the top and place it in a freezer with the end top tied outside. Hold the tied end from the freezer and use it for great pleasure. Ensure you lay a towel so as not to wet your bed with coldness.

Either way, make an ice cube from water or juice and suck it in your mouth for a cool sensation during oral sex. Dubberley (2021) stated that individuals should try to suck their partners' nipples with their mouths or place the ice cube in their partners' nipples. Please avoid using the ice dildo in a shower because it will melt it easily. 

Vibrating Phone

Everybody that has a phone already knows how a phone buzzes when it is in vibrating mode, especially when someone calls and it is in your pocket. Try to make it a sex toy in this manner. Wipe your phone very well to protect yourself from bacteria and cover it with a piece of cloth like socks. Let someone call you continuously. Place the vibrating phone at the clit. There are also vibrating Apps like Vibes and MeVibe that you can download from Google play. They have different intensity levels that you will choose from.     

Electric Toothbrush

It can be used in your clit, vagina, or anus. Burnier et al. (2018) explained that one should place the vibrating handle inside a condom and use lube to make it smooth and penetrate your vagina or the anus. On the other hand, you can place the vibrating handle in your labia between the space to experience a good vibrating sensation. Wash it after use with an antibacterial soap to kill any bacteria that might cause an infection later. 


It is a clitoris vibrator if you have a handheld showerhead. If not, set it at your preferred pressure and temperature so that the water reaches you and does not burn your organs. Lie down in your bathroom and spread your legs apart at the same angle where the dropping water will hit your clitoris.


Have you done some shopping at your house? One or two of the following fruits cannot lack among them. Foods that resemble a penis and have a lot of water can be used to make homemade sex toys.


Peel your banana to make it creamy. Try to peel into the size you would wish. Shayo et al. (2017) stated that one should insert a condom so that it does not break into your vagina or anus during penetration or cause some infections.  


Wash to make it clean, insert it into a condom and penetrate it into your vagina.


It is the most pleasurable homemade sex toy for those that love big cock. The shape and the size are amazing, which will leave you yearning for more. Insert in a condom and use lube to make the penetration smoother.


Use watermelon in two ways. Wash and cut to create a deep, circular hole for good penetration. Another way, place it in a freezer for it to cool, then use it in your clitoris for a sensation.


It is always smooth and circular. Wash it and rub it in a circular motion in your clitoris. But individuals should not eat the fruit after eating it. 

Washing Machine

After turning it on, have you ever tried to sit on top of a washing machine? Clean the top of the machine. Place some clothes on the spin cycle. Sit on it at your comfortable angle or lean against it, turn it on and relax. The buzzes give a cool sensation.


Be creative, and you will find that anything in your house can be made into a sex toy. Use sufficient lube to smooth the penetration and a condom to avoid any breakage inside your vagina and anus.


Burnier, C., Coulson, S., Massonnet, G., Pitts, K., Sauzier, G., & Lewis, S. W. (2021). A forensic international market survey of condom lubricants and personal hygiene products using ATR-FTIR coupled with chemometrics. Science & Justice61(3), 235-248. 

Dark, K. (2018). Shooting and Spanking and Who’s Your Daddy?. In The Daddies (pp. 3-10). Brill.

Dubberley, E. (2021). More sex play. Even more fun than before!. Parkstone International.

Shayo, E. H., Kalinga, A. A., Senkoro, K. P., Msovela, J., Mgina, E. J., Shija, A. E., ... & Massaga, J. J. (2017). Prevalence and risk factors associated with female anal sex in the context of HIV/AIDS in the selected districts of Tanzania. BMC research notes10(1), 1-10.Vaishnav, M., Saha, G., Mukherji, A., & Vaishnav, P. (2020). Principles of marital therapies and behavior therapy of sexual dysfunction. Indian Journal of Psychiatry62(Suppl 2), S213.

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